Deciding on Size: Just how devoted to Jesus are you? Some people devote large sections of their body to showing off their Jesus tattoo. Others prefer something a little more discrete, perhaps in a spot that can only be seen when clothing is removed. Decide where you stand, and make your decision accordingly.
Where is the Emphasis: Some people place all of the detailed emphasis on the cross, while others put the majority of the attention on Jesus himself. This is an important distinction to make, and one that requires thought.
Placement of the Cross: One great variation on the standard theme is to place Jesus carrying his cross, rather than posted up to it. This symbolizes something entirely different, and devout Catholics will notice.
A Full Scene: Some people are very attracted to the nativity scene as a symbol. If you're thinking about carrying a Jesus tattoo, why not consider a full image of everyone involved in the crucifixion? Turn your entire back into a living storyboard of Jesus' last moments. This would be one of the most unique tattoos you could get to show off your bond with Christ.
A Halo: You could also put a halo around Jesus' head, to signify the angels that took him up to heaven after he died. Likewise, it's worth considering putting an entire scene in with the angels taking him. The only limit to what will eventually end up as ink on your body are the roadblocks you create in your mind, and of course these can be broken down with effort. If you free yourself to come up with something really great, you'll come away with a timeless design.